What is this?

It’s been three years since Hey Kitty launched, and a lot has changed since then. For one, the amazing Shen is now the visual artist putting images to Fox’s words.

So what’s this chapter 1 thing?

We are going to be retelling chapter one, in part to replace the old art, but also to expand a bit and make sure that Hey Kitty can stand alone even if you haven’t ready any Hey Fox.

Is this going to replace my weekly Hey Kitty story?

Nope! These new pages are going to premier over on the Hey Kitty Patreon.

Aw, I don’t want to pay for them!

No worries! They will be premiering there but they will be free to the public too! (You should follow the Patreon, totally free, for more bonus comics and commentary!)

What about Kitty and Heather? That was getting really intense!

Don’t worry, They’ll be back next week!