The Players
KittyAnthroid (Cat-bot): Kitty, currently running Snow Leopard, is a Artificial Life-simulating Construct from the Pear computer company, though there’s something a little odd about her. Comics: 163 |
PixiCabbit (Cat/Rabbit hybrid): Pixi is a friend and room mate of Fox. Despite her fluffy bunny appearance, she lives up to her feline ancestry and has proven quite pointy in the past. Comics: 5 |
No, bad Kitty!! No imagining fantasy heroes that remind you of that not-to-be-named fox that doesn’t appreciate you. Imaging some new, better-behaved heroes instead.
Also… is Pixi really going to just walk by without even saying anything? She must be aware of what is going on by now.
So many things I want to comment on but can’t yet… >.>
Haven’t you learned yet…? It was the lack of communication that caused this mess in the first place. If you have something to say, just say it.
No spoilers!!!!! Don’t push him to spoil his own story =P
There is a difference between spoilers of the not-yet-posted future and having actual discussions about already posted events.
To be fair, when I say I can’t talk about it, I’m mostly talking about spoilers. As to Pixi, here, in particular there is a bit of clarity I might be able to add. That is, you say “she must be aware of what’s going on” but other than Kitty hasn’t been around the apartment lately, and Kitty is reading a book in a park, that’s all she really knows. As is suggested in this weeks Hey Fox, it’s not the first time she’s been away for a while. Also, this is a snapshot. There’s nothing to say she doesn’t stop and say hi, that just isn’t pertinent to the story being told.
As to your reprimands for Kitty… Well for that, keep reading. ^.^