The Players
CidComics: 8 |
FoxFox (Grey): Just Fox to his friends, Gabrial Fox is technically Kitty's owner. He’s kind of oblivious, but luckily, he has good friends, and a caring anthroid. Comics: 12 |
HeatherComics: 61 |
KittyAnthroid (Cat-bot): Kitty, currently running Snow Leopard, is a Artificial Life-simulating Construct from the Pear computer company, though there’s something a little odd about her. Comics: 163 |
MeiComics: 11 |
MykieComics: 11 |
PixiCabbit (Cat/Rabbit hybrid): Pixi is a friend and room mate of Fox. Despite her fluffy bunny appearance, she lives up to her feline ancestry and has proven quite pointy in the past. Comics: 5 |
Oh? A flashback plus some reminiscing? 🙂